Utility Scale PV Inspections

Precision inspections with advanced aerial imaging and AI analysis tailored for large-scale PV systems.

How it works

Step 1

Advanced Aerial Data Collection

Utilizing drones equipped with high-resolution infrared and RGB cameras, we capture detailed imagery across vast solar farms efficiently.

Step 2

AI-Powered Analysis

Our AI platform processes the imagery to detect, classify, and prioritize anomalies, delivering accurate diagnostics rapidly.

Step 3

Actionable Reporting

Receive comprehensive reports with geotagged anomalies and actionable insights through an interactive, map-based digital twin of your solar site.

Ready to Enhance your Operations?

Request a quote or check out more of our solutions


Can your inspections integrate with existing maintenance schedules?

Absolutely, our flexible scheduling allows integration with your ongoing maintenance routines.

Do you offer customized reports based on specific client needs?

Yes, we tailor our reporting to meet the unique requirements and goals of each client.

What makes your inspections stand out in the utility scale solar market?

Our use of AI technology combined with industry expertise provides exceptional accuracy and insights.

How fast can I expect results from an inspection?

Our rapid processing delivers detailed reports within days of data collection.

What size and type of PV systems can benefit from your utility scale inspections?

Our services are designed for large-scale PV installations, ideal for utility-scale solar farms.

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